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The Social Movement TV Show

Proud to be representing team Operation BBQ Refief  for a new Reality/Docu-series ‘The Social Movement’ 

If you were asked to Change the World... how would you do it? What issue would you start with? Who would you want by your side? What Legacy would you want to leave? 

Shot in Montreal, Canada over four days this past summer, comprised of 4 teams of influencers, business leaders, investors, visionaries, producers, public figures, celebrity business moguls from across the globe solving real global issues.

Here are some teaser images I shot in between working on our world solution.

COMING AT YOU IN 2020!!!!!!!

Team leader David Marks ready to kick butt on the competition!

First look and sizing up the competitors!!!! We got this!!! Proud to be representing team @opbbqrelief.

@michaelxcampionwriting down our teams progress as we try to work through our solutions to a world issue.

The one time you have been locked in a room racking your brains trying to solve a global issue with amazing people and you just need to break out and have some fun time!!! Let’s you know you are still a fun bunch of humans trying to do good in this beautiful world of ours!

Team OBR is back at it hard again working on our solution.

Our young competition prepping their project presentation! Team Operation BBQ, we got this!!! I don’t even think they are old enough to drive!

Team leader David Marks @pitmaster_david and Michael Campion @michaelxcampion take the long walk to meet the mystery judges to pitch our solution to solving a worldly problem. We are in great hands with these two amazing individuals!

Made our first pitch to the judges, now it’s time for a little down time and preparation for our next final pitch to the masses!!! Nothing better than @leeharvey22 getting pampered by @amyjinkc before we take the world by storm.

And the winner is.....

All teams gathered on stage for the announcement of the winning team. The series will launch in 2020 so stay tuned and check out @socialmovementtv for updates.

Win, loose or draw, what an amazing experience to be involved with incredible people for an amazing cause!


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